Wednesday, 15 February 2012

A Winter weekend

Saturday the 4th Feb, a very cold & frosty morning greeted me as I peeked carefully out of the bedroom window. Hmm what to do today?
Mr F was still slumbering and despite me pulling back the curtains & clanging down his tea he was not showing any signs of becoming slightly more than comatose any time soon. However after him checking the football and supping the aforementioned tea he rallied somewhat & we decided to go to look for that elusive Bullfinch again. A short drive takes us up to Widmer end, today we were not up to our armpits in mud and unmentionable doggy doo’s like last weekend, as the ground is frozen solid. Two minutes into the walk & there were Bullfinches! A superb view, the bright red chest of the male sharply contrasting to its black head was clearly visible against a bright blue winters sky. Just perfect!
Several months worth of looking for one and several missed opportunities (not by me) but a brilliant spot in the end.
Sunday morning was a different story as we had 3 to 4 inches of snow. We decided to go out for a walk and left our neighbours clearing our cars & driveway! We did tell them to leave it honest!
We walked and slid our way down the hill into town and then slushed about on the pavement. Through the park where there were hoards of screaming kids, some rather strange deformed snowmen and this chilly character.

Along the river we stopped to take photo’s and then away from the hoards we entered the peace & quiet of the countryside. Just the muffled cotton wool scrunch sound of our boots in the snow and the occasional Robin for company it was really lovely.
The walking was tough going & the slog up the hill home was quite painful. A four mile walk felt more like 10 miles and my feet were screaming for mercy at the end. However a roaring fire and a glass of red wine & I was soon glowing (in a healthy way you understand).

I just love this little fella.