Friday, 1 February 2019

Life in the Delta

Late yesterday afternoon the boat slowed down. There is a broken tiny little jetty, we cannot possibly be mooring up there. Yes we were. It is a tiny community just a few houses. They are growing the biggest marigolds I have ever seen, chilli plants and some other crops.
The villagers put on a new year dance of the unicorn (Chinese Dragon) they were Amazing, so agile. One in the front and one in the back like a pantomime horse. They jump onto a platform about 6 foot high and jump from one platform to another. The platforms are at least 4 ft apart. It is a spectacular sight.

Last chance for 6.30 Tai Chi - blast missed it.

A group went for a walk around the farm this afternoon. On the way back they had to cross a very small rickity bridge. There was a hand rail but it was quite a distance from the plank of wood that you had to walk across. The plank of wood was barely 1 ft across. One man lost his balance grabbed the hand rail which promptly snapped and he swallow dived into a tributary of the Mekong. Luckily he could swim and the water was deep enough that he did not hurt himself. The crew went into a massive panic but he managed to get himself out and was fine. In fact from being a quiet man he has become quite animated and quite the celebrity.
We are then treated to some cocktails and dancing on the shore. The crew love it and really let their hair down. Back on board for dinner and in bed by 10.
We moor mid stream in Saper and are woken the next morning to glorious sunshine. Today we go by sanpan to an island in the river. No tourism here like all the places we have been taken too. Just typical Vietnamese life. The children love us and wave frantically as we arrive. We watch some rattan mats being made and mooch about the village, everyone is very friendly but we cannot understand them and vice versa. A lovely cool ride for 35. Minutes

The beautiful and very happy Moni

down another tributary and then back into the Mekong where we catch up with the boat. This afternoon we are seeing a floating market which we are all exited about this is in a place called Cai be.
Today is the last day on the boat so we are all a little sad. Tonight we have a farewell dinner before leaving tomorrow for Ho Chi Min. We have absolutely loved this trip. Even Mr F has stopped croaking at last.
Making rice pancakes.

Wrapping the coconut toffees

Last night pre dinner drinks

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